2015-07-20 17:02:25
Annual national 3D mobile games masterpiece "SwordKenshin" has landed the Android platform popular does not delete filestest, first recharge ingot returned item 3 times more to send high-knight andthe best equipment!
As of this summer's most anticipated martial arts players workhand tour, "Sword Kenshin" special classic tour page"Twins" original class creation troops, meticulously hand to overcometheir first tour of the battlefield 1v1 multiplayer gameplay athletics restrictions,war camp , gang warfare, 3v3, etc. to force players to play every day willbring cool pk enjoyable experience. Coupled with cool dazzling skill effects,exquisite game scenes, will give you a different experience of the ultimatemartial arts!
Realist style as "martial arts outsiders" for theplayers true to another characteristic of a pure martial arts world, Aoyama DaiYuan, Gobi Greenwood, whether it is mountain excursion or stroll through thecity, so you do not pk Daguai can "drunk "in one!
Here organizecarefully prepared rumor martial arts exquisite night shots, enjoy it